Sponsor A Child
In 2025, we're making sponsorship more accessible by reducing the monthly amount from $50 to $20.
$50/month ($600/year) provides comprehensive care and support.
$20/month ($240/year) still makes a significant difference.
If you can continue giving $50, it's a huge blessing. Any amount you can give is appreciated.

Why Sponsor A Child?
It's a blessing to the orphaned and needy children to know someone special cares, loves, and is ready to provide the seed of hope and financial shoulder to go to school and also attend to their health.
The Love of Christ compels us to reach out to children in the community, my wife Mercy Tendo is heading this special arm of the ministry to raise funds for taking care of children’s wellbeing in school plus their shelter and feeding.
With this, orphan & needy children receive essentials like education, medical, uniforms, clean water, nutrition, shelter if needed, and mentorship in Christ’s Ultimate Impact Course. You can also choose to pay $240 annual sponsorship. Accountability is key to us!
Upon sponsorship, you will receive a detailed sponsorship pack including a photograph and information about your child. You will receive an annual written update about your sponsored child. Thanks for taking a step to change lives of these needy and orphaned.
Yes. Your $20 a month donation gives your sponsored child the basic needs, however, if you wish to donate more funds it is greatly appreciated. This will go towards educational needs, such as uniforms, clothes and stationery and will also pay for better healthcare treatment if they need it.
Meet Pastor Gil & Mama Adena Hodges based in USA our International Directors for Lifted Seed Academy – LISA, Ultimate Impact Course Curriculum for schools and the “Sponsor A Child” UFAM Program.
Currently the school is helping 33 children, 10 staff members and over 60 children in our church children ministry still call upon your monthly support.
Kingdom Equipping Center and Kingdom Talks Media have pioneered this move to see the children school built and running in Uganda- Mukono to raise the love of Father through education.
Kindly contact Pastor Gil & Mama Adena to support Africa – Uganda children’s ministry.

Testimonies from Sponsors

Dear Isaac and Mercy, Thank you for the letter from Rahma. It was very sweet of you to set that up for her. She will learn well, if she always has such an excellent model of learning. To Rahma, I send my open arms to give hugs of love and support. Your Christmas, I’m sure will be very different from ours in California. Much love and joy to you and your family
Auntie Karen. SponsorYou and your wife and the entire school family are so welcome. It is an honor to bless you. May the Lord bless and keep you all the days of your life. You all are teaching me to reach higher I want to move from provision to abundance and I believe you are part of God’s plan for me.
Sponsor Sponsor
Thank you for your letter, Ruth. You’re writing is very good. Better than mine.
Mick Sponsor
Message from our Children Pastor, Seera.

I appreciate all your support, prayers and care. I have seen these children from the needy families transform at our church and school.
My prayer is for them to have swings and more play materials to help their social life and self esteem rise up after the normal school activities.
Hi Katamba Joseph, Thank you for your letters and pictures over the last few months! We are so proud of you and how you let God’s light and love shines through you! The family of God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit is always with you even when we can’t feel them. This is my family. My husband Alan and I, my niece Elizabeth 12, my son Judah 10, and my youngest daughter Wonder 4. Blessings and love
Auntie Mary & Uncle Alan Sponsors